EuroMicroFest 2019

EuroMicroFest 2019 – Microtonal Talks April 30, 2019 MICROTONAL TALKS Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Saturday 25, May, 2019, 2pm – 4.30pm  As is usual at EUROMicroFest, we ask a small number of distinguished guests to present an insight into their work. 2.00pm || Historical Tunings and Temperaments on Guitar: An Introduction to their Realisation with Modern Microtonal Fretboards with Michael Kudirka (USA).  2.30pm || Composer Matthias S. Krüger presnts his piece ‘Arkadische Botschaften I’ – after Peter Kees – for microtonal guitar with prepared […]

The Brook of No Return

Wollongong Art Gallery corner of Kembla and Burelli, Wollongong, NSW, Australia

More info to come


Wollongong Conservatorium of Music Glennifer Brae, Wollongong, NSW, Australia

MU Virtual University (Opening Event) online NYC, United States

Introduction to MU with American Festival of Microtonal Music (AFMM) Director Johnny Reinhard, to include scheduling plans, lessons policy, philosophy, homework...


MU Virtual University (Event #2) online NYC, United States

Sunday Sept 12 11:30 AM-12:30 PM (EST) Instruction:  Kraig Grady (LA/Australia) and Terumi Narushima (Australia) present their music and themselves, along with the theories of the microtonally imaginative Ervin (“Erv”) Wilson (1928-2016) ֎ 1-2:30 PM (EST) Philipp Gerschlauer (Berlin) examines The New Field of Microtonal jazz, its history, friends, his pioneering album, and introduces 128 tuning to Jazz A $200 USD yearly membership is available at which includes admission to all virtual events.


MU Virtual University (Event #3) online NYC, United States

Sunday Sept 19 1-2:30 PM (EST) “String Theory” by Johnny Reinhard is premiered by violinist Dan Auerbach in 128 tuning in Staten Island, NYC “Cadencia Guitarra” by Julian Carrillo is premiered by Angel Blanco on the quartertone guitar in Quebec “GG (solo version)” by Jordan Dykstra performs his new solo work for melodica and electronics in 21-tone equal temperament in Brooklyn “Wasiyya” by Nicola Visalli is premiered by violinist Natia Mdinaradze in quartertones in Tblissi, Georgia ֎ 3-4:30 PM (EST) […]


MU University (Virtual Event #4) online NYC, United States

Sunday Sept 26        1-2:30 PM (EST) Composers Forum moderated by Johnny Reinhard featuring panelists: Yuri Kasparov (Russia) Juhani Nuorvala (Finland) Gloria Coates (USA) Manfred Stahnke (Germany) Nicola Visalli (Italy) A $200 USD yearly membership is available at which includes admission to all virtual events.


Débo Ray and Screaming Headless Torsos | Salvation Army Kroc Center | Boston, MA

The Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center 650 Dudley St., Boston, MA, United States

Saturday, November 13, 3:00 PM EST & Virtually Thursday, November 18, 8:00 PM EST Courtesy of David Fiuczynski Grammy nominated vocalist and composer Débo Ray gives an in-person performance Saturday, November 13, and is joined by David Fuze Fiuczynski on guitar and fretless guitar, Wesley Wirth on bass, Utar Artun on microtonal keyboards, and Ransom McCafferty on drums. The concert features new music from David Fiuczynski's band Screaming Headless Torso, new works by Débo Ray, Wes Wirth, and Fiuczynski collectively, […]


Gradus ad Parnassum – Autumn 2021 (Virtual Event #6)

Pärnu Pärnu, Estonia

Sunday Nov 14 The international contemporary music learning circle, Gradus ad Parnassum, opens the doors into the intriguing world of a new music theory and practice. There will take place regular online meetings every second week on Sundays and are open to the public. We share knowledge, discuss, sing, play instruments, learn and discover. Participants from all continents are welcome. The learning circle will be held in English. Meetings are held virtually using jitsi and cleanfeed for high fidelity and […]


MU University (Virtual Event #12) online NYC, United States

Sunday Nov 14 11:30 AM-12:30 PM (EST) Instruction: The False Scandals Lodged Against Charles Ives Carol Kitzes Baron and the Ives Scandal of Changing Dates Johnny Reinhard on the Ives Scandal of Changing Chromatics to make his Music "More Dissonant" Anthony Cooke on his new research into Ives and the particulars of Ives's illness 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (EST) The making of the Charles Ives "Universe Symphony," and Ives's transcendental tuning in the "Concord Sonata," "String Quartet No. 2," and the […]
