MikroFest Helsinki 2018

Two concerts, nine lectures and a panel discussion exploring new music in alternative tuning systems. Finnish Microtonal Society, Ears open society and the faculty of composition and music theory of the Helsinki University of the Arts present the MikroFest Helsinki 2018, a three-day microtonal music festival held from Oct 17th to 19th. All events will be held in central Helsinki, Finland. Program Wednesday, October 17th – Seminar Day 1 – TUNING IN 10.15-16.00 Microtonal talks. Venue: Auditorium of the Helsinki Music Centre. • Juuso Kunttu: Differentiating tuning systems and harmonic systems […]

Three Dream Songs in 31-tone temperament by Joel Mandelbaum

Recital Hall room 226 of the Music Building at Queens College, NY NY, United States

The featured work will Joel Mandelbaum's Three Dream Songs in 31-tone temperament.  Performing will be JinXiang Yu, soprano, with Teresa Pietromonaco and Nicole Triandafilos, violins. Joel Mandelbaum will be playing the microtonal keyboard of the Scalatron.  The program will also include excerpts from The Village, Mandelbaum's 1995 opera which was performed at the College when it was first written. There will a concentration on sections of the expanded portions never heard before at the College.   Present students who will be singing are Jessica […]