The Huygens-Fokker Foundation Presents: “The Microtones of Anatolia” featuring Tolgahan Çoğulu & Ere Lievonen
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ Piet Heinkade 1, 1019 BR, Amsterdam, NetherlandsSunday Dec 12 In the concert, The Microtones of Anatolia, the internationally renowned Turkish microtonal guitarist Tolgahan Çoğulu and the permanent organist of the Fokker-Orgel, Ere Lievonen, perform non-Western world premieres and arrangements of traditional Anatalonian folk songs. In addition, guitarist Tolgahan Çoğulu will give a lecture-performance with and about his special microtonal guitar in the afternoon. Tolgahan Çoğulu - Acoustic Microtonal Guitar with Movable Frets Ere Lievonen - Fokker Organ & Carrillo Piano