The Huygens-Fokker Foundation Presents: “The Microtones of Anatolia” featuring Tolgahan Çoğulu & Ere Lievonen

Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ Piet Heinkade 1, 1019 BR, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunday Dec 12 In the concert, The Microtones of Anatolia, the internationally renowned Turkish microtonal guitarist Tolgahan Çoğulu and the permanent organist of the Fokker-Orgel, Ere Lievonen, perform non-Western world premieres and arrangements of traditional Anatalonian folk songs. In addition, guitarist Tolgahan Çoğulu will give a lecture-performance with and about his special microtonal guitar in the afternoon. Tolgahan Çoğulu - Acoustic Microtonal Guitar with Movable Frets Ere Lievonen - Fokker Organ & Carrillo Piano  


MU University (Virtual Event #17) online NYC, United States

Sunday Dec 12 11:30 AM-12:30 PM (EST) Instruction: Ear Training with Amelia Huff and Johnny Reinhard Huff, Zhea Erose - Sola - YouTube Reinhard, TREES | Johnny Reinhard (   1-2:30 PM (EST) Composer Manfred Stahnke (III of III) – improvisation through composition *Bring an instrument and participate in a completely improvised composition event recorded using Zoom.* A $200 USD yearly membership is available at which includes admission to all virtual events.


MU University (Virtual Event #18) online NYC, United States

Sunday Dec 19 11:30 AM-12:30 PM (EST) Instruction: Angel Blanco presents Julian Carrillo of Mexico. Carrillo, Sonido 13 de Julián Carrillo "BALBUCEOS" - YouTube Blanco, DYZN by Eduardo Caballero, played by Angel Blanco - metamorpisized guitar | Johnny Reinhard ( 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (EST) Meredith Borden takes you through 2 compositions featuring the soprano by composer Julian Carrillo. Carrillo, PRELUDIO A COLON - Meredith Borden, soprano | Johnny Reinhard ( Carrillo, I THINK OF YOU by Julian Carrillo - world […]


MU University (Virtual Event #19) online NYC, United States

Sunday Dec 26 1:00 PM-1:30 PM (EST) – Live Concert featuring mezzo-soprano Lore Lixenberg performing the second half of Peter Thoegersen’s “Cantos.” Lixenberg, Luciano Berio: "O King" extract 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (EST) - MU PARTY – featuring the percussion of Frank Malloy. Natie Music featuring Frank Malloy - "Sirens" A $200 USD yearly membership is available at which includes admission to all virtual events.


Collective Microtonal Piano Album | Sponsored by Mizzan

Submission Deadline: Dec 31 Mizzan Microtonal Piano, based in Berlin, invites microtonal musicians to participate in a collective album by sharing their compositions or performances. Any and all microtonal compositions are acceptable and must be rendered through Mizzan's Sound Module. MSF, Scala, and AnaMark Tun tuning files all work with Mizzan. Mizzan is thoroughly tunable. The instrument consists of 264 keys and every key may be tuned to any frequency, and they may be organised in any order. All you […]


Microtonal University (Virtual Event #24) online NYC, United States

Sunday Jan 30  1:00 PM-2:30 PM (EST) Svjetlana Bukvich is the moderator for a Composers Forum with just intonation composer performers. Michael Harrison - “Revelation” live in Rome (highlights) John Schneider - "FAR OFF SOUNDS | Microtonal Man" Amelia Huff - "Zhea Erose - Novemdeca " Jon Catler - "Sleeping Beauty" from UNTEMPERED & TEMPERED A $200 USD yearly membership is available at which includes admission to all virtual events. For more information and MU Schedule:


Microtonal University Global (Virtual Event #25) online NYC, United States

Sat Feb 5 10:00 PM-11:00 PM (New York/EST) Presentation: Amanda Cole with guest Greg Schiemer (Australia) Cole: INSTRUMENTAL PIECES - Schiemer: Artist Page with Australian Music Centre 11:00 PM-12:00 AM (New York/EST) Hitomi Shimizu of SXZYGYS (Japan) Shimizu: "warewarewa" released May 27, 2020 | bandcamp featuring Tonal Plexus 6s microtonal keyboard and Partch 43 tone scale in C A $200 USD yearly membership is available at which includes admission to all virtual events. For more information and MU […]


Microtonal University (Virtual Event #26) online NYC, United States

Sun Feb 6 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (EST) Philipp Gerschlauer explores Just Intonation in Jazz with guests Reza Askari and Michael Battaglia. Stride Piano, Barbershop, 31tet, and Blues. Gerschlauer: Night And Day (Solo Transcription by Philipp Gerschlauer) - YouTube Battaglia: Some Stride Piano for you all - Sweet Lorraine (31-TET version) - YouTube & Sweet Lorraine 31-TET stride piano (transcription) - YouTube Barber Shop in JI: Platinum - 2000 International Quartet Final - YouTube A $200 USD yearly membership is available […]
